NPF Announcements for Spring 2024
Greetings all!
It is with great excitement that I share important news with the Narrative Policy Framework’s dynamic community of scholars, students, and practitioners:
First, the NPF website ( will be getting a major renovation this spring, the first major update since its inception in 2018. The NPF’s research base has been growing, changing and expanding. Our goal is that the refreshed website will be a “go to” site for up-to-date information on conferences, webinars, workshops, and new publications and will connect our community more meaningfully.
Over the next six months, we will remove website content in phases and rebuild. We will announce updates and progress on the renovation on the NPF blog [insert Blog name here]. Special thanks to members of the NPF community who have stepped forward to lead this work. Dr. Honey Minkowitz (North Carolina State University), Ariell Bertrand (Michigan State University), and Hilda Bronvist (Mid Sweden University) will lead the development and management of the NPF website and blog. Rachel McGovern (University of Tennessee – Knoxville) will be handling the site's social media outlets and integration. Thank you.
We are very pleased to share with you a uniquely helpful resource for all of our community members, a brand-new and updated public Zotero bibliography for the NPF, which you can access by going to the following link:
You will need to login with your Zotero account information (or create a Zotero account if you don’t currently have one), in order to search the most comprehensive database of NPF research that (we believe) currently exists. , If we’ve missed any manuscripts, books, or other NPF studies, please send that information to (And please share your upcoming publications through that same email so we can add new work to the bibliography.)
Research Coordination Network – What is This and What Could It Do for the NPF?:
The NPF community is a vibrant, welcoming, committed and supportive group of people who promote rigorous scholarship and the advancement of the framework. We’ve worked together for over a decade with people jumping in and helping each other to push our shared goals forward, and now we’re considering taking a deeper dive to enhance our collaboration and elevate the work of our community: a Research Coordination Network (RCN) with funding through the US National Science Foundation.
The goal of an RCN (per the NSF at this link) is to
“to advance a field or create new directions in research or education by supporting groups of investigators to communicate and coordinate their research, training and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic, and international boundaries…
to foster new collaborations, including international partnerships where appropriate, and address interdisciplinary topics…
innovative ideas for implementing novel networking strategies, collaborative technologies, training, broadening participation, and development of community standards for data and meta- data…
The RCN program supports the means by which investigators can share information and ideas; coordinate ongoing or planned research activities; foster synthesis and new collaborations; develop community standards; and in other ways advance science and education through communication and sharing of ideas.”
Our first step in developing our RCN proposal is to hear from each of you about how an RCN could enhance your work, why and how you could benefit and what you hope it would achieve. To that end, we will ask for your thoughtful participation in an on-line survey (release date: February 14, 2024) and meetings (virtual and in-person) currently being planned for the spring. Your thoughts will shape the development of our RCN proposal, so please keep an eye out for the survey and gatherings this spring.
Other Cool Stuff Going on with the NPF:
On February 19, 2024, the Standing Group on Public Policy of the European Consortium for Political Research will offer a virtual panel entitled “The Persuasive Power of Policy Problem Definitions: The Case of One Health in Australia.” Participants include Johanna Hornung and Karin Ingold (both of Universität Bern), Johanna Kuenzler (Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer – DHV), Vilém Novotný (Charles University) and Elizabeth Shanahan (Montana State University). More information and free registration here:
Jessica Gottlieb (Texas Tech University) will be bringing back the NPF Working Group sessions this spring. These are informal virtual meetings open to all of the NPF community; we welcome you to sign up for a slot, come prepared to present your work-in-progress, and seek feedback from working group participants. Dates and times will be announced later this spring, along with directions to sign up for an opportunity to share your work.
Academic Conferences on the Horizon:
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, USA. April 4-7, 2024. This conference is a traditional haunt of NPF researchers, with [5?] panels this year focused on NPF work. Remember to plan your travel to attend the customary Saturday night NPF dinner, always a wonderful celebration of our community (new NPF-ers welcome.) Stay tuned for more information later this spring, and email (subject line: MPSA 2024) if you are planning to attend MPSA this year.
Conference on Policy Process Research, Syracuse, NY, USA. May 15-17, 2024. We are looking forward to a large turnout of NPF researchers, with [??] panels and papers expected this year. Email (subject line: COPPR 2024) if you are planning to attend COPPR this year. New this year will be a satellite gathering of virtual COPPR participants in Zurich, Switzerland for in-real-life-virtual conference participation. More info about COPPR@Zurich at this link:
There will be more exciting announcements in the coming weeks about some new NPF-related projects, initiatives, and resources, so stay tuned! In the meanwhile,we hope you will share your news with us at:
We want to hear about
new publications
new (and updated) contact information for you and other NPF-ers
new babies!
dissertation defenses
upcoming conferences with NPF content
a workshop or webinar you’re hosting or heard about
any ideas to strengthen the NPF community!